The Art of Hair

Mondays 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

All classes are free, you may be  responsible for purchasing some supplies if necessary. No child is permitted without us first meeting the parent or guardian. All forms must be filled out by a parent or guardian and a face to face interview is required.

Etiquette and Manners

Tuesdays 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

All classes are free, you may be  responsible for purchasing some supplies if necessary. No child is permitted without us first meeting the parent or guardian. All forms must be filled out by a parent or guardian and a face to face interview is required.

Never Again

Wednesdays 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

All classes are free, you may be  responsible for purchasing some supplies if necessary. No child is permitted without us first meeting the parent or guardian. All forms must be filled out by a parent or guardian and a face to face interview is required.


Fridays 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

All classes are free, you may be  responsible for purchasing some supplies if necessary. No child is permitted without us first meeting the parent or guardian. All forms must be filled out by a parent or guardian and a face to face interview is required.

Tutoring (Upon Request)

Tutoring Provided Upon Reqest

All classes are free, you may be  responsible for purchasing some supplies if necessary. No child is permitted without us first meeting the parent or guardian. All forms must be filled out by a parent or guardian and a face to face interview is required.

Never The Less, Inc. is a faith-based 501(3)c non-profit organization that provides programs and fun events for 6th-11th grade girls in the Tri-State area to enhance their potential in high school, encourage graduation, and prepare them for employment, career choices, and a more positive future.

Our mission and vision are integral to who we are as an organization.

Our Mission


To provide programs that inspire, motivate, and empower girls to walk confidently into their future.

Our Vision


Every young woman in the Tri-State area recognizes the value of her education and has the skills and support to achieve a positive, prosperous future.


Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization and all help is welcome. If you have time or talent to spare, please consider joining us in making a difference in the lives of young women.

Ways to volunteer:

  • Be a mentor- Mentors should be passionate about helping young women to thrive. We use group mentoring so each group of young women will be led by 2-3 mentors. Time commitment is about two hours per week. All mentors will have to undergo a BCII (Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification) background check. 
  • Be a guest speaker
  • Be a tutor
  • Serve during special projects
  • Host a fundraising event
  • Host a summer intern at work (paid or unpaid)
  • Cook a meal

Never Again

Self-Esteem Confidence Opportunity

Never Again provides teaching and services that promote self-esteem, healthy lifestyles, confidence, literacy and training for employable opportunities. The program helps to redirect girls and young women from societal pressures and unhealthy expectations to a vision of a better future for them.

Camp E.V.E.

Self-Esteem Confidence Opportunity

Camp E.V.E. is an 8-week summer enrichment program for girls aged 14-16 that translates career readiness lessons to real-world applications.

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